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How will a DUI conviction impact my medical or nursing license?

On Behalf of | Oct 14, 2024 | State Crimes

In New York, the Office of Professional Medical Conduct (OPMC) and the Office of Professional Discipline (OPD) oversee the conduct of licensed physicians and nurses, respectively. A DUI conviction can trigger a review of a professional’s license by either of these entities due to concerns about their fitness to practice. The licensing board can take various actions, ranging from issuing a reprimand to revoking the license entirely, depending on the severity of the offense and its relevance to the professional’s duties.

What factors will the licensing board consider during its investigation?

The professional licensing board considers several factors when determining the impact of a DUI on a medical or nursing license. These can include:

  • Nature of the offense: Was the DUI a misdemeanor or felony? The severity of the conviction can influence the board’s decision.
  • Relevance to professional duties: How does the conviction impact the professional’s ability to perform their duties? For instance, a DUI might raise concerns about substance abuse.
  • Previous record: Professionals with prior disciplinary actions may face more severe consequences.

A DUI conviction in New York can seriously impact a physician’s or nurse’s ability to practice, potentially leading to suspension or revocation of their professional license. Healthcare professionals facing such charges should understand the legal implications and the processes involved with their licensing boards.

How can I avoid allegations of drunk driving turning into a conviction?

For those who are stopped and face allegations of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, it is important to remember that the allegations are just that — an accusation of a violation. It is not yet a conviction.

You can build a defense to the allegations. If successful, this can result in a reduction or even dismissal of charges. The exact strategy will vary depending on the details of the case, but may include:

  • Validity of the traffic stop: This will involve a review of whether the officer had probable cause to justify the stop as well as a potential challenge to any field sobriety or breathalyzer testing.
  • Violations of procedure: Officers must follow proper protocol during a stop, arrest, and questioning. A failure to do can result in a violation of the driver’s rights.
  • Lack of evidence: It is also important that the prosecution have sufficient evidence to support the allegations.

These defenses highlight the complexity of DUI cases and the importance of a tailored defense strategy.